My Grand Baie Experience
Grand Baie the north
Speed cameras
White girls in bump shorts
Affluent homes with stone fences
Manser Saxon constructions
English colonised country
French speaking
With Indian accent
Free college education
Half price for foreigners
Sixty thousand stray dogs
No much police here
Civilised drivers
Shape sports club
Free roads at day time
Traffic at night
Short storeys and dwarf homes
White paints and glass house
Anchored boats on the deep blue sea
Tanned caucasians
Walking at slow paces
No cycling on pedestrians lane
Dive tribe zalquzi
Olden and active elders
Family businesses
Coast guard patrolling
Immigration officers on red plate numbers
No police on sight
Lots of Mercedes Benz
Large spaces and big fields
No much trees
Motorcycles with bicycle pedals
Irrigation machines on plantations
My Grand Baie experience