My Neighbour's Wife
"Cut your Dreads boy", my mom would scold "You look unkempt"
"Very irresponsible, that's why you have haven't gotten a job" my dad would add with disappointment in his tone
Like I break his heart all over again each time he sees my hair
He thinks I'm keeping it as a sign of protest since he wouldn't pay my school fees
I lost interest in my childhood crush sometime ago
She wouldn't date me because she thought I looked haggard and too rough unlike my said responsible mates
She too had joined the bandwagon of people with my supposed best interest
It would seem like I'm loosing so much because of my dread
But then, I can't cut it
I can't cut it because she tells me each day she loves my hair
Every evening, back at the field, gathering her dry clothes from the field
She would tell me each day like she is just seeing it for the first time
And I love the way she smiles when she talks to me and ask about my hair like there was more to it
It makes me blush and a bit shy
Like I'm weak
I love being weak around her, because I have to be strong to the rest of the world
Weakness feels like home, because you don't have to worry
She is supposed to be my home if the world was perfect
No! Not my childhood crush
I'm talking about the girl that makes me blush
My neighbour's wife
My neighbour's underaged wife
I used to think girls my age have a thing for older guys until I met her
My happiness that I can't be with
She is the reason I can't cut my Dreads