Counting Stars
I’ve counted the stars with more than four hands
watched the moon replaced by the burning sun
earlier than soon got scars by those that promised me their heart and soul
I have danced to the beats of the drums of heart break and eternal hurt
As the masters of my heart pulled the chains of love they bound me with.
I’ve walked on thunder and lightning danced in acid rain washed away
with the flood of wastes
from gardens I nurtured and tortured
by the ugly truths that they did cause me pain, tears by midnight, regrets by midday but I’ve let free of these agonies through prayers on Sunday’s
For Strength does not come
from chilly breeze on sunny days
nor from the comfort of rocky chairs
Strength has nothing to do with the days
I laughed most with the same ones that tore me to pieces
Strength is drawn from the days of boiling blood and smoking guns tempered by soothing touch from a loving heart
Strength is drawn from the days I sit thoughts of love filling my head yet my heart refuses to yield to these thoughts
Strength is drawn from days your tears act as fuel, igniting the fire of hurt as it consumes you
Strength is the last thing you must have when they love to leave you lonely
Strength is where you must go when they leave you at their mercy.