The Spiteful Gangster
I sat wounded in spirit
Gripping my half empty bottle of rum
Eyes closed counting stars in pixels and digits
Seated in the dark lost in time and agony
Pain had over taken me
She knew she couldn't save me anymore
What's left to save in a broken me?
Soul been damaged beyond repairs
I've looked for love in all the right places
Friends, family, lovers and side chics
But got shades of hurt embraces
Friends that grin a vicious smile
That lead my heart to a stranded stand
Wasted emotions stretched a thousand miles
I whispered my worst nightmare in questions
Like a hopeless inquiry with no sightful answer
Unpleasant flash of my life of sadness
Who will love a spiteful gangster?
'Your child Eddie, your child' She whispered
Your child will love you, a spiteful gangster