Winning The Ring
How y'all see wedding as a big deal baffles me
Trust me it does
I was on this argument on IG
A girl had uploaded her engagement ring
Saying the supposed husband dated her for years without sex and now their getting married
This upload created and outburst generally between some guys and girls who believe sex before marriage Is advisable and girls who believe it's not!
Now the girls who believe it's not cool said that men generally have done a good job in brain-washing women to believe that exploring their body is essential in convincing them (the guys) to take the relationship to the next level.
Some guys said they guy has someone he's banging already and that's why he didn't bother the girl about sex
Now the girls now said, whether he's banging a side chic or not, the girl with the ring Is winning
Now that's where I came in
I was just reading and laughing until a girl said that.
How can you believe that in your frame of mind
So because you got the ring you've won?
You got the ring, so you won! Wooooow!
I know y'all girls are already gyrating in spirit but calm your ovaries let me finish!
There are so many reasons why men don't get married to who they are in love with!
First of all...let me tell you girls
Sex is essential in determining the type of feelings we have towards a girl
Calm your ovaries o!
Lemme finish
See, at times what we have confused for love is sexual urge
And see the tricky part
At times we don't figure it until we've banged the person
Girls will feel it's once
For some guys it's once, once they bang you once, they know
But for some, it might take up to10 times
Calm your ovaries let me finish
See if a guy bangs you over 20 times and he still wants to be with you... he wants more than just sex!
So yes! Sex is essential! You can marry someone without sex and he bangs you three times and figures, nah! This is not it! What you gonn do then? You got the ring so you're winning, right?! Gerrarra here!!! Ekenekwa'm gi!
Now there are many reasons why the girl with the ring isn't winning!
First off, me personally I know someone from my village who couldn't marry someone he is in love with and been with her for years just because our village don't marry from her village!
I'm from Mgbowo, and we don't marry from Mgbidi in Awgu LGA too and Arochukwu in Abia state!
Now eventually, the guy marries someone else and his heart is still with who the heart is with! And he prolly loves her so much he doesn't wanna have sex with the wife unless for reproduction.
And in the girl's mind, she's winning? Ekenekwa'm ya!
Seen a biological case too A.S and A.S super in love with each other but can't marry cuz they don't want to make kids that'll suffer, then the girl who fits the blood type is now married and in her mind, she's winning?
Two people in love, the girl is ripe for marriage and the guy's still broke, family pressuring and she marries a rich guy and her heart still where her heart is, and the husband is winning too? SmH
A guy in love with a girl, the guy from a prominent family and the girl isn't so much, and the guy's father already has plans for the guy with the daughter of another prominent man, you think the daughter of the prominent man is winning too?
I've heard girls say, as far as he comes home to me, I'm winning... story! One day he'll bring home STD you know nothing about and you are still winning? Ekene oo!
There are so many reasons people don't end up with who they really love, and it happens always, so that you got the ring doesn't mean you should come and be oppressing others! Sweetie you're not always winning! Some of you wives are just for reproduction and taking care of the kids, that's all! If that's winning for you, then bless your naive soul and I pray your husband don't bring you home the gift of STD! Cuz na that one worse pass! And trust me, it could happen to anybody, you can't even be too careful sef! Life goes on, point is, don't use your happiness to make others feel awful... cuz you might think you know, but you have no idea!!!!