City Wanderer
A walk in the city away from home
Where walks and talks are often on
Everyone a stranger to a common home
Unlike home
With no stranger in your neighbor's room
The trees I know are gone
Replaced by sky scrapers
The greens are turned to silver stains
The birds I see are iron birds
It roars not sing its chirping sounds
The city of sounds not organized
I wandered off
Like a tired suspect
The tales I heard of the city hold more truth
It's dangers are more than told
Still amazing
I meet no smiles
Lonely in a crowded street
I still wander off into the city
Head turning at each sight
Drawing attention with my strange fashion
My fashion I wear with pride
Like Joseph's coat of many colours
But my walk in this new city yields
It yields me with new knowledge
And old appreciation
A home is not a house with human breath
Home is a place you feel at home