Sally Island 10
I didn't care who this woman was, I was already having sexual hormonal imbalance. Erectal dysfunction in reverse. I wasn't to be held responsible for anything that happens from this moment. How do you expect a drunk man to act after being offered more wine? My mind was reckless in thoughts, going off course, at this point I started staggering, still trying hard not to utter a turn off word. I've been an expert in saying things at dying minutes to turn women off. Complicated creatures they are I must say, you say something to a lady that don't sit well when you are about to have sex and it resets everything, you decide to be quiet and get too quiet, it resets everything. I would want to flex my tongue's muscle but wouldnt want to scare her off. Raising my head up and looking at her, she Adriana didn't look like someone who was about getting scared off, she already reached for her ropes, and before I could react, she threw it like a cowboy around my neck. This is where I loose it too, so I reached for my machete.
I tried to draw it from my waist and at least cut the rope from off my neck. I wasn't getting the new shape the whole thing was taking. Tying me with a rope around my neck like a goat wasn't a good gesture and wasn't sexual at all. I thought we had subconsciously noted how this night was going to end, but this development wasn't part of the earlier thoughts I had. You know how you meet a girl and you already planned and assumed in your head how everything is going to end up, step by step. You physically apply those steps and see if she follows suit. Most times, if you both are in the same mind frame, it goes as thought out in your head but this wasn't going as my head told me at all. A rope around my neck was the least thought that ever flashed my mind that night. As I drew my machete in protest, she drew closer to me and whispered sweet nothings into my ears.
"Take me somewhere a little more private", those words did more harm to my consciousness than all the alcohol I've taken for the whole night. To keep the odd things odd and the right things right, I didn't choose to focus on the rope around my neck anymore, I concentrated on the pleasure the night would yield. Even if I was to succumb to a stranger at night any day, wouldn't be right if it was a beautiful one? I've often been told not to let my emotions cloud my knowledge, but who comes up with such philosophies? Have they even taken a stroll in life? A stroll at night through a known path to a designated destination to cross paths with an alluring belle? This situation definitely doesn't count for one of those situations you use wise sayings and the elders advice to make choices, those are needed in serious life issues like going to war or vying for the post of the village chief. In situations like this, when a strange woman ties a rope to your neck and asks you to take her to a private place, you don't think, you take her to a private place.
It's amazing how fast the brain works when pleasure is sighted as the end point of a given situation. I would on other nights take time to think to remember an old cabin within a close perimeter of the woods we stood in, but on this day, I had a faster more result oriented chain of thoughts clicking to the fast realization that there was actually a close cabin nearby. Walking with the rope around my neck, I led Adriana and her spotless stallion to the cabin. Old rickety mansion white men built with wood on their first visit to Sally island. Dating back to the days the white men stayed in the mansion, it was always forbidden for the citizens of Sally Island to go there, even after they left, it was still forbidden for us to go there. Our people hated how the Oyibo treated us. They hated that we welcomed them with open Hands and they turned around to loot our lands, kill our men, rape our women and sold our children to slavery. Although they still occupied some part of the island on missionary claims and the use of their strange weapon they call gun, we tried very much to stay away from them. But not me, not this very night, if Oyibo was in that old cabin, he is welcomed to join the party.
The cabin wasn't where I was supposed to be, but that was the closest private place around I could find. I broke into one of the room down stairs as Adriana alighted from her stallion who ran off into the woods afterwards. She walked behind me quietly giggling with her bottle of wine as I took the lead. She quickly found a place to sit as soon as we were confined within the cabin walls, still maintaining her smile, now staggering like she joined my frame of mind. It was like my eyes were beginning to clear and wear off my drunkenness to my realization that this was a bad idea, And i didn't want to think at all. Thinking in situations like this ruins a lot of things, this was one of the days I wasn't allowed to think so I gulped down more of the wine the chief priest gave me to stay unreasonably fine while Adriana poured more of her own drink into the calabash and also handed it to me. I wanted to think again, I wanted to ask her what she was giving me, but seeing her rip her clothes apart while she took it to the head strait from the bottle she was holding knocked me back to my senselessness and I quickly drank the mixture she gave me and started ripping my own clothes apart too like we called shotgun.
Story: Nnagoziem TheVyrus Udensi
Illustrations: Joseph Kenedy