Boycott Buhari
Boycott Buhari
Boycott APC
Boycott anything Strict Islamist presidency
It's obvious these people take us for fools
I get super mad whenever i see that man's presidential posters
Do you know who Buhari is?
Buhari is the man who sent hooligans to force and flog people with koboko to queue up at bus stops to take buses
He was the man who enjoyed humiliating civil servants at the places of work
In his regime as a head of state, he silenced the press and jailed anyone who as much as opposed his government even verbally without charges for up to three months at least
During his regime, he banned workers going on strike
He invented secret police men to fish out people who opposed him even in their comfort zone (do you know what that means? It means if he becomes president, you cannot even make a joke about him on Facebook without getting killed or going to jail)
That is who Buhari is!!!
Chill, lemme tell you more!!!
You know Nigeria's favourite musician of all time? Fela!!!
Yes!!! Buhari Jailed Fela!!! Sentenced him to ten years imprisonment
Do you know who Buhari is?
He was the reason why many Nigerians lost their jobs and business because he banned importation without providing alternative means
This made things expensive in Nigeria and the living standard of Nigerians dropped
And since then haven't come up again!! Remember how your parents told you things where better in their times? And money had value and all?? Yup!!! Buhari is part of the reason our country is fucked up!!
Now he pulled a scheme
Knowing Christians in Nigeria don't like him
He pulled a fast one
Nominating a Redeemed Christian Church of God pastor as his running mate
RCCG has the highest population of Pentecostal Christians in Nigeria
Being that Osinbanjo is Yoruba, they are bought
And igbos who are mostly religious have already gone screaming Hallelujah for their pastor
Being blind to what is actually happening
Can't y'all see what's happening??
This is same man that wants to make Sharia Law the general law in Nigeria
Remember in 2011
He said if he doesn't win in 2015, the Baboon and the Dog will be soaked in blood
Don't forget that
Moments ago I was about
If the wanna go to war, let's take em to war
Listening to Asari's speech
It was clear that if the civil war was supposed to teach us a lesson
We didn't learn shit
If Buhari comes to power
If Buhari comes to power