A sweetheart that cannot be The Sweetheart
I rushed into marriage
I've been blessed with four kids
I love my wife
But not in love with her
She a friend but not a lover
A wife and a mother
The sparks is gone up yonder
She just the sweetheart everyone knows
Marriage can't stop you from catching feelings
I caught a few
I fell in love
With the sparks and what not
Within the loins of a strange woman
Her thoughts makes me happy
Her actions gives me joy
I make love to her and have sex with my wife
She awaits me at the park
And holds me in the dark
But at home my sweetheart waits
She lies on the couch while the children sleep
I'm sure the TV remote is in her hand
She keeps herself busy with the channels
With my dinner on the table
While she awaits my return
She is a good wife
That's why she is my sweetheart
But I'm out with a strange woman
A sweetheart that cannot become my sweetheart
-Corrosive Xpanol