The image of Nigerian Political Love
I don't know the meaning of silver linning. I had to look it up, It means the bright side of a bad situation. I don't know the meaning Aphrodite, I had to look that up too. I don't know the meaning of scoff of the neck, neck of the woods and brainstorming. I don't know the meaning of so many words but had to look it up. But I never had to look up for the meaning of love. It's been used one to many times and I could relate to it because it's being used with situations I'm comfortable with. Like you can't go looking up for the meaning of sugar, you just know it's sweet and you don't bother knowing the meaning. You don't bother knowing the meaning of a kiss, once you get one, the books don't matter! But politics is something you look up! You read a whole book about it and even some go as much as studying the science in the university! Politics isn't something you let slide, you hear the tales that associated with it and it doesn't leave a smile on your face. So I was watching the TV last night and there was a commercial about whatever that was. I was just getting over the rants about Rochas being like MLK, Madiba and Ikemba Nnewi, I was furious. Comparing such icons with Rochas on national TV is an insult and a big stupidity for a platform that claims to be Africa's biggest television network. Just after the Rochas horror came the commercial about love and politics. I can't recall what it totally says, but it ends with something about Jonathan being love or something like that. Now for the first time in my life, I looked up the meaning of love! I wanted to be sure my anger wasn't driven by ignorance. Now we still have over 200 angels missing, and Boko Haram acquiring fleets of armored war tanks and displaying em on TV. Let's not get sentimental, but how the fuck did they drive a tank to sambisa forest and nobody saw them? Seriously? I love the actions taken to contain Ebola in Nigeria. See? Within a couple of weeks, we had that shit under control! Because the president and his cohorts knows Ebola isn't restricted to the poor and unsecured citizens. Schools were shut down, movements were restricted, money was pumped in and within a short time, we had that under control. Oook! Now, you think if a similar routine played out against Boko haram, they won't have a positive lead? I think I would throw an Ice Bucket challenge to Shekau to crack up the fun they are having out there. Jonathan is busy telling us about love so we'll vote him next year, I will vote him tho, he's is from the south. But I strongly suggests he looks up the meaning of a coward, and he should stop telling us about love.