Missing Coal City

Man, do you know what it means to miss Coal City?

Do you know what it means to miss Coal City
And miss it each night and day
I know I’m not wrong, this feeling's gettin' stronger
The longer, I stay away

Missing the city With frank hugs 
Lively villages with joys spreading across the plains 
Oh the females with familiar faces 
That compress my chest against their jugs 

Miss them abacha, Ugba na Azu, the tall Pammy kegs 
Where mockin' birds used to sing
And I'd like to see that lazy Enugu
Hurryin' into the dry season

Roasted plantain mixed with Ugba na agbugbu 
The home I feel at home with love in the cozy cove 
Okpara square Saturday sports 
Enugu is the addiction in my veins 

Oh the moonlight on the udi hills
Afrobeat tune that fills the air
I dream about 042 in bloom
And I'm wishin' I was there

The yellow cabs and short buses 
Red shuttles on black asphalt 
The brown dust that gathers your feet 
The joy of my city that knows no defeat 

At home I don't try to survive 
The shove don't push to an expected end 
Away and the lost feeling to thrive 
Blades don't cut at home to make a blend 

Do you know what it means to miss coal city
Since that's where you left your heart
And there's something more, I miss the one I care for
More than I miss Coal City 

-The Vyrus 


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