Thinking About Her
I cannot stop thinking about her
She was God's punishment for my promiscuity
Need I say more?
God should give me more of such punishments
Her breasts are never ashamed when uncovered
And her hips are like shebba's
Chocolate skinned like the sun smiled on her constantly
I cannot stop thinking about her
Nightmares wake me at night to her smiles
Smiles that heal a vampire's bite
Nightmares to dreams, dreams to reality
How can it be that she is a punishment?
Well, because I had to fall in love
And a man in love has no dignity
Being that my pride was built on dignity
I lost it all
Hence, God's punishment
I cannot stop thinking about her
But I have to move on
Served my jail term of affection for two years
I was sentenced for one
Her charms chained me for extra
My pride will cut me loose
My dignity rekindled, love must be on snooze
Who lit my ego??
Pain will clear such charms
Don't expect me to smile
A man must take his stand
I cannot stop thinking about her
But I can knot my heart
My heart has made enough decisions
Time to use my head
I cannot stop thinking about her
Yeah well I got to try
A quest of a thousand mile
With a step I got to thrive
I cannot stop thinking about her
Can't know unless I try