Twilight of Consciousness
Death can take a kiss upon my arse
You are not wrong to think
That my days on earth has been a dream
All that we seem to see are all but dreams within a dream
Its choice of pattern disgusts
Selectively available to victims with guts
Cars crash and bone cracks
Air gasps in asthma attacks
Given names to corny tacks
Cardiac arrests and heart attacks
Souls expelled from their temporary homes
Bodies rigged with bullet holes
Death is a speedy horse everyone will ride
And everybody reading this will die
The old already hurts his pride
Singing to God on a sick bed with a smile
So it takes no pleasure in snatching the old
The fun within his loins lies in the young
Lost in the theory of the young shall grow
Until their trip takes the wrong turn
You are not wrong to think
That my days on earth has been a dream
All that we seem to see are all but dreams within a dream
Its choice of pattern disgusts
Selectively available to victims with guts
Cars crash and bone cracks
Air gasps in asthma attacks
Given names to corny tacks
Cardiac arrests and heart attacks
Souls expelled from their temporary homes
Bodies rigged with bullet holes
Death is a speedy horse everyone will ride
And everybody reading this will die
The old already hurts his pride
Singing to God on a sick bed with a smile
So it takes no pleasure in snatching the old
The fun within his loins lies in the young
Lost in the theory of the young shall grow
Until their trip takes the wrong turn
The boy that thinks he's got his life ahead of him
Dancing to disco and despise the gospel hymn
Playing mortal combat with bicycle kicks
Forgetting he's mortal and his time bomb ticks
The more unexpected the more death gets at it
The more we forget he remembers how we think
We crack up the devil when we tell him our plans
Its safer to take it in our hands
Uttering 'God forbid' at death's mention
Like he cares about our bone of contention
Memory skips over the important fact
To his call we stand at attention
Most die to give him that bold look
Your profile picture might be the last on your facebook
Twilight of Consciousness
Brainstorming of breathlessness
Final chapter of an open book
Death's medal is a golden boot
Kick me to grave
Or stand foot to foot
And explain reasons for the lives you took
I'm disappointed in your expertise
I look forward to your blind date
Artist to artist
Posing at ease at the underworld's gate
Probing you devious twist
In turns of my friends darkest moments
The struggle of UDOKA's poisoned stream
Prying to the mystery of his conscience
You beseech our world with his death in silence
That life? Is that what I should believe?
The accidental design of MAKATI's demise
Much more less satisfying than fiction
Drawn with dramatic possibilities
The old was said to be your mission
Not the young with vast capabilities
Shame on you
You lack creativity
The originality to invent yourself
You gloat in theft
Seizing breathes like old books in library shelves
What is your crowning achievement?
Possessing the evil souls that ended friends?
What a subtle metaphor
Its not like HILARY and CHIZUA now live in your world
So it has been written
We will end one day
A hole of mother earth awaits
It will swallow us all
It is a just end to man
We are consumed by death our entire life
The scare has been wiped
I know TEDDY from heaven smiles
Our future is our hands
The future you snatched from BETHRAM's hands
The meek shall inherit the earth
Why then is CHINEDU's meek heart buried in dirt?
Obedient to the marriage vows
In sickness in health, for richer or poorer
For better for worse, deaths still makes us wow
Mindless to body fitness and mind keep
Regardless of how many kids you feed
Or how much gospel you preach
Alms given, death's a swift steep
Plans of starting a family
Go to service or get a degree
Bury our folks and continue the family tree
But our name's left on tombstones like laws and decrees
Every second globally two humans die
Your ignorance to this won't limit your dive
Wipe your doubts and clear your eyes
Make that hay while the sun shines.
By The Vyrus