Early Morning Rambling 4 :: Wise Investments
week was a fast one, super fast one. can't believe its friday already,
seems I was lying down on my bed thru the week. this week was as fast as
2013. 2013 scared me on how fast it went, but nevertheless I'm still
happy its going by real fast. One of my worst years I must confess, not
that any bad thing happened. Tufia! Well its true o! Bad things happened
joor. Lost three friends this year. Chimoo!
How can I forget Teddy Eze, Chinedu Ifediora and Bethram Agu? Rest
their souls. In fact 2013 is a fucked up year for me. Just by days, I
missed going for service in June, and ASUU strike is now rubbing it in
my face. See how november may pass by without me serving still. Very
unsexy year! If you had this year good, best thank your God. Mine? I
basically existed through this year, no living chaa chaa. Brokest year
ever! I was so broke, street beggars smelled me like their kind. You
know how dog smell them selves from a distant? Yup! Exactly! That's how
those motherfuckers smell me. whenever I pass through that traffic light
area around the mall in GRA, those beggars their smelled my brokeness!
They be like "sniff sniff" "onwe onye owu na asa na agafe ebaa" damn! It
was that bad. Quit my job at Connect Africa Magazine because they owed
me, quit my job at Twist Lounge because they owed me. Ego aburo kwa
change, motherfuckers owed me more than Mbadinauju owed Anambra state
workers in 2003. I was so broke, if I got 5,000 in my account I go
balling like birdman and twerking like Amber Rose. Yeah it was that bad.
Blew money as soon as I get it, as and blew it like wow, is this cash?
Sooo like this oh! Small chedda balled in this week after months of owu ite, and I was excited again, looking for where to boom shakalaka the money as usual. Walking all cocky with 3k in my pocket feeling like, imakwa ndi anyi bu? I deserve a walk of shame in a hall of shame shaa. Mana onwero. I was in trans o! So I remembered, yaaay! Prawns, that is were I used to come hangout with my trans ekulu babes on 2go dates. LOL. I still dey ramble rain don begin fall, and cold don come too, konji go kill me this morning shaa. Remember 2go days? Nwanne 2go paid niggas mayne! I 2goed so much I was the first to get to ultimate among my friends. Black star! Yeah! I'm telling you, its not a lifetime achievement mana it was worth it pussy, pussitically. LOL. 2go paid o! And I'm not talking money, nwanne ife men wuu 2go babes shaa, if your nigga never passed you a babe to pour on 2go then eh, don't trust that nigga, he can poison you in your sleep. I macked so much I hooked like many of my niggas up with broads, some idiots went and fell in love with girls we were passing around. When its their turn to chop and pass to other niggas, idiots went and fell in love, seizing the girls to themselves. I won't mention names shaaa, stupid umu achara layout. Omo eh, a year after I left 2go, I was still setting Ps off broads I got on there. BBM eh, then errbody was forming, before you set a P eh. You'll spend all your damn money. Niggas even started selling their BBs to go back to 2go where they got their easy punanni. LOL. So I walked down prawns o! And like this like that, prawns was closed down! I was like WTF? Kee ife mezii? So I asked around o! And heard the joint got closed down like most of the fast food joints. Omo I wasn't too surprised o! Fast food joints and hotels are just too damn much in Enugu mayne. I remember when it was just Mr. Biggs, Bubbles and Tickles. Just like the nigerian mentallity, any small thing that pays, errbody rushes into it. Hotel pays, anybody that manages to get rich will run to go build one. Nobody wants to take risks or be innovative, everybody wants to join another man's innovation. Shit is now pouncing on em! Since the emergence of Mama Onyinye, Emily, Daddy's kitchen, Ntachi Osa, Open sharaton and all those sexy mama puts, who dey go crunches again kwanu? To make it worse, shoprite came along with a sexy atmosphere and threw em totally off balance. No surprise they are closing down. Well, our generation should learn from this shit. Wanna invest, nigga think outside the box, don't go doing the general hustle. Now the new hustle is entertainment, every motherfucker I know now is into entertainment. Nobody thinking different. When they say money isn't everything, some don't understand that statement. Money without brains dikwa useless, even if you don't have brains, you can listen to people who do. I mean, there are businesses like farming, sounds weird but shit pays. Large scale farming! Never goes outta style cuz people won't stop cooking! Palm kernel expelling business, never goes outta style, vegetable oil making companies, costesmetic making companies and all needs palm kernel oil forever to finish their products, infact lemme not waste my knowledge on y'all. I see my friends, they make small money, they run to buy cabs and lease out. Everybody on same hustle, nobody fucking thinks different. Soon there'll be more cabs than private cars in enugu and men won't stop hustling to get their own cars, omo who will be entering those cabs? well, errbody has different dreams, look at me rambling this early morning again like its my business how someone decides to spend his or her money. Oh well, what do I know? After all, I'm still broke. Ok o! On this note eh, I rest my case. Have a sexy weekend y'all. *in mercy johnson's voice* I took my leave. *grin*
Sooo like this oh! Small chedda balled in this week after months of owu ite, and I was excited again, looking for where to boom shakalaka the money as usual. Walking all cocky with 3k in my pocket feeling like, imakwa ndi anyi bu? I deserve a walk of shame in a hall of shame shaa. Mana onwero. I was in trans o! So I remembered, yaaay! Prawns, that is were I used to come hangout with my trans ekulu babes on 2go dates. LOL. I still dey ramble rain don begin fall, and cold don come too, konji go kill me this morning shaa. Remember 2go days? Nwanne 2go paid niggas mayne! I 2goed so much I was the first to get to ultimate among my friends. Black star! Yeah! I'm telling you, its not a lifetime achievement mana it was worth it pussy, pussitically. LOL. 2go paid o! And I'm not talking money, nwanne ife men wuu 2go babes shaa, if your nigga never passed you a babe to pour on 2go then eh, don't trust that nigga, he can poison you in your sleep. I macked so much I hooked like many of my niggas up with broads, some idiots went and fell in love with girls we were passing around. When its their turn to chop and pass to other niggas, idiots went and fell in love, seizing the girls to themselves. I won't mention names shaaa, stupid umu achara layout. Omo eh, a year after I left 2go, I was still setting Ps off broads I got on there. BBM eh, then errbody was forming, before you set a P eh. You'll spend all your damn money. Niggas even started selling their BBs to go back to 2go where they got their easy punanni. LOL. So I walked down prawns o! And like this like that, prawns was closed down! I was like WTF? Kee ife mezii? So I asked around o! And heard the joint got closed down like most of the fast food joints. Omo I wasn't too surprised o! Fast food joints and hotels are just too damn much in Enugu mayne. I remember when it was just Mr. Biggs, Bubbles and Tickles. Just like the nigerian mentallity, any small thing that pays, errbody rushes into it. Hotel pays, anybody that manages to get rich will run to go build one. Nobody wants to take risks or be innovative, everybody wants to join another man's innovation. Shit is now pouncing on em! Since the emergence of Mama Onyinye, Emily, Daddy's kitchen, Ntachi Osa, Open sharaton and all those sexy mama puts, who dey go crunches again kwanu? To make it worse, shoprite came along with a sexy atmosphere and threw em totally off balance. No surprise they are closing down. Well, our generation should learn from this shit. Wanna invest, nigga think outside the box, don't go doing the general hustle. Now the new hustle is entertainment, every motherfucker I know now is into entertainment. Nobody thinking different. When they say money isn't everything, some don't understand that statement. Money without brains dikwa useless, even if you don't have brains, you can listen to people who do. I mean, there are businesses like farming, sounds weird but shit pays. Large scale farming! Never goes outta style cuz people won't stop cooking! Palm kernel expelling business, never goes outta style, vegetable oil making companies, costesmetic making companies and all needs palm kernel oil forever to finish their products, infact lemme not waste my knowledge on y'all. I see my friends, they make small money, they run to buy cabs and lease out. Everybody on same hustle, nobody fucking thinks different. Soon there'll be more cabs than private cars in enugu and men won't stop hustling to get their own cars, omo who will be entering those cabs? well, errbody has different dreams, look at me rambling this early morning again like its my business how someone decides to spend his or her money. Oh well, what do I know? After all, I'm still broke. Ok o! On this note eh, I rest my case. Have a sexy weekend y'all. *in mercy johnson's voice* I took my leave. *grin*