Crowd Mentality
Crowd Mentality and Minority tolerance of majority culture. Hater, Weirdo, Awkward, Strange or Possessed; these words are often used to qualify what is actually 'Misunderstood'. Humans tend to adapt to the norms initiated by mostly the celebrated, not minding the application of their choices to their respective lifestyles which is supposed to be a personal pursuit of happiness. It has been an unseen pattern in vivid display to only the curious, And since it’s believed that curiosity kills the cat, it’s not often advised; A typical example of crowd mentality. Most choices made in life by most of us are often adapted from the choices and lifestyle of celebrities, reverends, royalties and scholars. It is often believed that choices such personalities make are usually the best, in casual view of their attained statues and posed happiness. But at the long run, its not entirely so, citing happiness to be the paramount hustle in life, why then do we see drug dependency, suicide, divorce, depression and emotion-induced illnesses among those we apparently copy? Go figure, we don’t even pay attention to life. Born into a society, you grow up following norms like 'going to school for a better and happy life', 'following your religion for a happy life after death', ‘marriage’ etc.
Surprised why schools, churches and hospitals are big businesses in our society? Without questions, we simply go with these norms! Nobody questions it! If you don't go to school, you are seen as useless and if you don't go to church you are seen as a bad person! If a lady chooses to be a career woman and not run after being married at a young age, she is seen as a harlot regardless of her lifestyle. Why? Crowd mentality! These are norms adapted from people's lives and inculcated into ours because the majority population believes it to be the best. But apparently this majority is being manipulated by the celebrated. Take example in Nigeria, just 20 years ago, a lady wearing a pair of trouser is seen as 'bad' and once seen is usually despised. But then, our first ladies, musicians, women of the upper echelon made it a pattern of elite fashion, and since they icons always on the spotlight, other ladies who once saw trousers as evil started emulating wearing it comfortably and to this modern age, fashion is still influenced by what we see on screens. The same as smoking: Growing up, Within my friends, I am sure all of us as boys despised smoking always saying 'God forbid, I won't smoke o' due to the norms inculcated in us in schools and churches where we were always reminded that smoking is bad and a sin not even on the health aspect, but then we grew up to see the stars we idolize smoke in music videos and so, thinking smoking is cool, most of us started smoking for apparently no reason at all but to look cool. Crowd mentality! Same as cultism, most members join due to the fact that cultists are seen as strong men and are usually feared and so if you become one you will be feared, so without any personal reason or purpose majority join throwing caution to wind and forgetting that anybody who saw what you saw and go through same thing you go through is hardly afraid of you, therefore a fellow cultist cant fear you unless you are personally stronger than he is, personally, not collectively and since most guys are cultists, who will now fear who? Hence the constant cult wars and killings all leading back to crowd mentality. Another annoying example which is presently in its phase of acceptance is being gay. Homosexuality and lesbianism is caused by two things, 1. Genetic factors 2. Socio-economic factors. Some people are born that way, very few actually. But then, most people that do it now learnt it or see it as a necessity to achieve something or gain favour or belong socially, for example, there was once the only sexual style humans knew was 'missionary style' but then, Karma Sutra came along with porn movies and people started trying out other styles that now, a girl can have her hymen intact but anally she's a slut. Most people turn gay because they wanna try out what they see as cool, since most celebrities are gay and its tagged cool in some countries and somehow its the new trend, "being gay"! Don't be surprised, in the next few decades, if a guy and a girl are seen together it will seen as old fashion relationship. Just like the recent approval of using condom as a form of family planning by the pope for the Catholics, now for the catholic families where using a condom wasn't approved once is now okay, if the pope also one day say 'being gay' is okay and allow the entire catholic church which has the highest population in christianity to wed gay couples, that may do the trick. Being gay will be the new Adam and Eve. Crowd mentality! Nobody chooses for himself, everybody follows the crowd. That's why the few that question the majority are seen as weird, possessed, and enigmatic. For example those that question the existence of God, often seen as possessed. Those that refused to go to school, or dropped from school, always seen as useless until they probably turn to steve Jobs, Bill gates, Jay-z, Mark Zukerberg or Oprah winifery before they are respected. Those minority population with different view of life usually tolerate the majority culture of crowd mentality, and are usually social outcasts until their point is seen. Pursuit of happiness is an individual race. Isn't it supposed to be made up of personal choices in light of what is best for you individually? Are you living your dream or someone else's dream? Shadowing your dreams to go after an already made choice triggered by someone else. Crowd mentality, it usually leaves you a sad life. You wanna be a singer, because you see musicians living a good life, you don't even care if you have the talent, after one hit song you drop from school tattoo your entire body and you end up not having another hit, how will you now feed your self? Who will employ you with all those tattoos and old age without work experience? Do you ever think of that? Or you wanna do music because music is the in thing? Cool! You wanna get married at 19, 20, 21 because your mates are getting married, so a rich guy comes along and you are like "this might be the highest shot I will get at this marriage issue" and like that, you get involved with someone you are not even in love with, you don't even know how he lives, if he's a wife beater, an alcoholic, a dunce, or even a rapist and without a long term relationship, you jump into marriage with a stranger with affluence! Good choice! and since there's money you don't pursue your dreams anymore. What if he dies sooner than you think and didn't leave a will, leaving his wealth to his family. What will you do? Go join a widows association? Good riddance, really good riddance. We all claim to be Christians, for one reason or the other we believe we are the ones right about God, what if when we finally die, we get to find out the Hindus or another minor religion were actually the right religion? So as it is, that we didn't follow their God, we all now go to their hell. Funny right? But what if it happens that way? Crowd mentality is really misleading a lot of us. I'm not perfect, hell I'm writing this in English because I somehow mastered it better than my language 'Igbo', because growing up, speaking english was seen as cooler than igbo. Crowd Mentality. But then, we can all change yeah? So on this note Dalu nu, ka omesia!!
-By Nnagoziem The Vyrus Udensi
Surprised why schools, churches and hospitals are big businesses in our society? Without questions, we simply go with these norms! Nobody questions it! If you don't go to school, you are seen as useless and if you don't go to church you are seen as a bad person! If a lady chooses to be a career woman and not run after being married at a young age, she is seen as a harlot regardless of her lifestyle. Why? Crowd mentality! These are norms adapted from people's lives and inculcated into ours because the majority population believes it to be the best. But apparently this majority is being manipulated by the celebrated. Take example in Nigeria, just 20 years ago, a lady wearing a pair of trouser is seen as 'bad' and once seen is usually despised. But then, our first ladies, musicians, women of the upper echelon made it a pattern of elite fashion, and since they icons always on the spotlight, other ladies who once saw trousers as evil started emulating wearing it comfortably and to this modern age, fashion is still influenced by what we see on screens. The same as smoking: Growing up, Within my friends, I am sure all of us as boys despised smoking always saying 'God forbid, I won't smoke o' due to the norms inculcated in us in schools and churches where we were always reminded that smoking is bad and a sin not even on the health aspect, but then we grew up to see the stars we idolize smoke in music videos and so, thinking smoking is cool, most of us started smoking for apparently no reason at all but to look cool. Crowd mentality! Same as cultism, most members join due to the fact that cultists are seen as strong men and are usually feared and so if you become one you will be feared, so without any personal reason or purpose majority join throwing caution to wind and forgetting that anybody who saw what you saw and go through same thing you go through is hardly afraid of you, therefore a fellow cultist cant fear you unless you are personally stronger than he is, personally, not collectively and since most guys are cultists, who will now fear who? Hence the constant cult wars and killings all leading back to crowd mentality. Another annoying example which is presently in its phase of acceptance is being gay. Homosexuality and lesbianism is caused by two things, 1. Genetic factors 2. Socio-economic factors. Some people are born that way, very few actually. But then, most people that do it now learnt it or see it as a necessity to achieve something or gain favour or belong socially, for example, there was once the only sexual style humans knew was 'missionary style' but then, Karma Sutra came along with porn movies and people started trying out other styles that now, a girl can have her hymen intact but anally she's a slut. Most people turn gay because they wanna try out what they see as cool, since most celebrities are gay and its tagged cool in some countries and somehow its the new trend, "being gay"! Don't be surprised, in the next few decades, if a guy and a girl are seen together it will seen as old fashion relationship. Just like the recent approval of using condom as a form of family planning by the pope for the Catholics, now for the catholic families where using a condom wasn't approved once is now okay, if the pope also one day say 'being gay' is okay and allow the entire catholic church which has the highest population in christianity to wed gay couples, that may do the trick. Being gay will be the new Adam and Eve. Crowd mentality! Nobody chooses for himself, everybody follows the crowd. That's why the few that question the majority are seen as weird, possessed, and enigmatic. For example those that question the existence of God, often seen as possessed. Those that refused to go to school, or dropped from school, always seen as useless until they probably turn to steve Jobs, Bill gates, Jay-z, Mark Zukerberg or Oprah winifery before they are respected. Those minority population with different view of life usually tolerate the majority culture of crowd mentality, and are usually social outcasts until their point is seen. Pursuit of happiness is an individual race. Isn't it supposed to be made up of personal choices in light of what is best for you individually? Are you living your dream or someone else's dream? Shadowing your dreams to go after an already made choice triggered by someone else. Crowd mentality, it usually leaves you a sad life. You wanna be a singer, because you see musicians living a good life, you don't even care if you have the talent, after one hit song you drop from school tattoo your entire body and you end up not having another hit, how will you now feed your self? Who will employ you with all those tattoos and old age without work experience? Do you ever think of that? Or you wanna do music because music is the in thing? Cool! You wanna get married at 19, 20, 21 because your mates are getting married, so a rich guy comes along and you are like "this might be the highest shot I will get at this marriage issue" and like that, you get involved with someone you are not even in love with, you don't even know how he lives, if he's a wife beater, an alcoholic, a dunce, or even a rapist and without a long term relationship, you jump into marriage with a stranger with affluence! Good choice! and since there's money you don't pursue your dreams anymore. What if he dies sooner than you think and didn't leave a will, leaving his wealth to his family. What will you do? Go join a widows association? Good riddance, really good riddance. We all claim to be Christians, for one reason or the other we believe we are the ones right about God, what if when we finally die, we get to find out the Hindus or another minor religion were actually the right religion? So as it is, that we didn't follow their God, we all now go to their hell. Funny right? But what if it happens that way? Crowd mentality is really misleading a lot of us. I'm not perfect, hell I'm writing this in English because I somehow mastered it better than my language 'Igbo', because growing up, speaking english was seen as cooler than igbo. Crowd Mentality. But then, we can all change yeah? So on this note Dalu nu, ka omesia!!
-By Nnagoziem The Vyrus Udensi