Myths of Emotional Hapiness
You know, we don't really have to go thru what someone is going thru before we know how they feel. At times all we need do is pay attention to their feelings. In this world, its something we grew to realise and learn to live with that some people are better than others, one way or the other. But that doesn't necessarily mean the less appreciated are less of a human being. We all got something special in us that no one else has, but most of us feel the need to be like others or seek unnecessary approval from other people. People who are born sick or abnormal, most times feel this different type of affection of pity instead of love! Usually hard to tell apart but they know. They know when you wanna be with them because you wanna be with them and when you wanna be with them because you have to be with them. People seen as ugly or substandard. I know how you feel, its even worse because you don't even get the pity affection. Especially the girls. Guys? Guys are hustlers, when they feel rejected, they go get money build a comfortable environment around them, people can't hate that. Then they tend to live happier! But girls? When you are rejected, even with all your money, you may still get the guy but he bails as soon as he gets what he wants.
Many girls who feel less of themselves tend to lower their standards so low, guys breeze in and out of their lives. Just because you wanna feel loved you stick to a guy that treats you anyhow, you stick to a guy that beats you up, you stick to a guy that won't even listen when you talk, because you are scared that if you leave him, you may not find someone that will even have your time at all, so you stick to him, and he only calls or wanna come over when he's horny and you know this, but you don't wanna react because you are scared that if you do, you might loose him, or maybe he's a popular or attractive guy, and you wanna feel among as someone who's dating a rich, or popular, or very fine boy so you start learning to live unappreciated like a slave when you see your friends enjoy their relationships. You need to stop!! Guys too, you love this girl, and you somehow feel she's above your standard and you are lucky to have her, she keeps other boyfriends and you don't wanna walk away because you feel she's the best you'll ever get. She doesn't even have your time or wanna be with you always unlike other couple you see, she gives you excuses each time you try hard to get her attention. Well that is just wrong! You don't need someone to make your life a bliss! I know, you are scared because you feel loneliness is a worse feeling but you don't need someone who makes you feel worthless or less of a human. You can do bad all by yourself. Trust me, you don't need em! You don't need anyone, you think you can't live without them, its a lie! Truth is, you will live healthier without them. And believe me, there are ways to kill loneliness, for example join a fellowship, a church fellowship. Best friendship you can get is in the church, join an association, a book club, a volunteer group or something where you can make platonic friends, and trust me, you will feel great. And also, once you are happy with yourself and don't need anybody to make you feel so, you'll find someone who appreciates you, someone you will be very happy with and someone who respects and treats you like a queen or a king. You just need a little patience and self appreciation. I don't know why I'm writing this, but I feel there are people out there that feel this way and don't know what to do about it. Well maybe my opinion will help them somehow, maybe it won't, I don't know. Nevertheless there is something special about you, everybody has one. Find it and build your pride around it, even if you are not the best in it, be proud of it and watch how happy your life will be. Lots of things will change in your life after you realize you are in charge of your happiness.
Many girls who feel less of themselves tend to lower their standards so low, guys breeze in and out of their lives. Just because you wanna feel loved you stick to a guy that treats you anyhow, you stick to a guy that beats you up, you stick to a guy that won't even listen when you talk, because you are scared that if you leave him, you may not find someone that will even have your time at all, so you stick to him, and he only calls or wanna come over when he's horny and you know this, but you don't wanna react because you are scared that if you do, you might loose him, or maybe he's a popular or attractive guy, and you wanna feel among as someone who's dating a rich, or popular, or very fine boy so you start learning to live unappreciated like a slave when you see your friends enjoy their relationships. You need to stop!! Guys too, you love this girl, and you somehow feel she's above your standard and you are lucky to have her, she keeps other boyfriends and you don't wanna walk away because you feel she's the best you'll ever get. She doesn't even have your time or wanna be with you always unlike other couple you see, she gives you excuses each time you try hard to get her attention. Well that is just wrong! You don't need someone to make your life a bliss! I know, you are scared because you feel loneliness is a worse feeling but you don't need someone who makes you feel worthless or less of a human. You can do bad all by yourself. Trust me, you don't need em! You don't need anyone, you think you can't live without them, its a lie! Truth is, you will live healthier without them. And believe me, there are ways to kill loneliness, for example join a fellowship, a church fellowship. Best friendship you can get is in the church, join an association, a book club, a volunteer group or something where you can make platonic friends, and trust me, you will feel great. And also, once you are happy with yourself and don't need anybody to make you feel so, you'll find someone who appreciates you, someone you will be very happy with and someone who respects and treats you like a queen or a king. You just need a little patience and self appreciation. I don't know why I'm writing this, but I feel there are people out there that feel this way and don't know what to do about it. Well maybe my opinion will help them somehow, maybe it won't, I don't know. Nevertheless there is something special about you, everybody has one. Find it and build your pride around it, even if you are not the best in it, be proud of it and watch how happy your life will be. Lots of things will change in your life after you realize you are in charge of your happiness.