Senator Yerima's Child Marriage (Child not Bride)

 On the on going controversy on child marriage my reaction is simply WTF?!! 1. A dad that gives up his daughter that young is sick and lazy! You get a kid into the world and can't take care of her, fuck you and your poverty mindstate!!! #ImNotGonnaBeNice 2. The retard wanting to marry her isn't a man mentally, like how can a full grown man stoop so low?? Simply mental illness! 3. Such disgusting topic shouldn't be raised in the senate house at all at all! Una no dey shame? Anybody that brought up such topic should be stripped of his post!! Hell!!! WE NEED MORE FEMALE SENATORS! Seriously! Men are really loosing their senses to carnal and vain pleasures! And the Yerima guy...smh! These muslims shaa! Women are like slaves to them, no right at all! I don't even know how these slow minds are elected as law makers!! Just weeks back, Ndi Rivers just embarrassed their oil stained minds on national TV, now this? Left for me, law makers should be university professors!! If you wanna be a law maker and chop money, go and lecture first, after going thru the stress of becoming a professor, ehe! Then you can come contest! At least your wisdom hair will have small wisdom in it by then. Retarded country...smh for the kinda topics they even bring up 'gay marriage', 'legalizing prostitution', hell! Legalizing weed even sounds sexier than all these shits! Well I'm still super busy with my birthday shits so I don't really have the time to go deep! The campaign against this shouldn't stop, if you haven't heard, grab a paper and read it up! This shouldn't be heard of at all! I mean 13 year old girl?? Okwa ara na agbazi ndia o!! Some 13 year old girls haven't even started growing breasts. Damn! She should be given a PEN not a PENNIS, she should be asked about her BOOKS not her BOOBS, pay her SCHOOL FEES not her BRIDE PRICE, she need EDUCATION not EJACULATION, she should be watching BEN 10 not waiting for ROUND 10, she should be given a SAY not a SENATOR, she should know GANGNAM STYLE not CONDOM SIZE, she should be taught MATHEMATICS not BEDMATICS. She is a CHILD not a BRIDE!!!!


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