My Uyo Experience
Bumpy roads
Funny languages
Neat streets
Composed citizens
Friendly smiles
Sexy Belles
Gyrating generators
Planned City
Scarcity of dogs
Windy greenish trees
Beggars with gold watch and bare foot
Ugly dudes with fat lips
Out-dated cars
Canvas on painted streets
Roads under construction
Buy now pay later
Grey dust
Red Chicken meat
Bicycles? Yeah! Lots of Bicycles!
Strange meals with sweet taste
Pregnant nuns in crazed outfits
Charcoal stoves
Mini vans and cheap cinema
Twin campus of one school
Skinny girls
Pot belly lecturers
Mercedes benz
Clean oxygen
No sweats just smiles
Few side walks
Sexy fly-over
Nah! No sky scrapers
Flowered town
Spoken English
Weird accent
Calm weather with mean faces
Yellow tricycles
No buses
No government convoys
Game of thrones
Half naked labour workers
Happy youth corpers
A stranger in Akwa Ibom
My Uyo experience
-The Vyrus