My Sylvia 3
Puzzle unsolved and wordcross of joy
Crazed affection
Strange seduction
Butterfly in my loins for this lazy perfection
No effort
Love comfort
Our love garden is a jungle of toys
Engaged with no rings, the quarrels a decoy
Lame suggestions
Great appreciation
Disappointing hateful predictions
And of course
With no trojan horse
I'm risking it all for my helen of troy
No betrayal or thirty shekels of silver
Jack, Rose, Romeo and Juliet
With my ego down my own gullet
It wasn't an arrow, cupid used a bullet
Out of range
We connect strange
My abode a mountain, hers at Rivers
Calabar born so I'm crossing that river
Unshackled chains
Enlightened pains
Loving with no selfish gains
8months gone
Bonding strong
Those times I random smile, its always my Sylvia