My port-harcourt experience
Green pastures
Bad roads
Mad traffic
Serious money
Busy town
Impressive Development
No villages
Students on Land cruiser
Power supply on short leash
Malls, malls and shopping centres
Easy sex from expensive girls
Hard sex from cheap girls
Red Nation, Vikings and Vikings
Really Bad roads
Mirror mirror on the wall
Calm weather
Beautifully perfect creatures
Mixture of tribes
Pidgin English
Blue Cabs with outrageous fees
Well, buses too
Broad city
Dull entertainment
Strange muse and vain amusement
Patience; give or take
Rumu Rumu everything
Clear skies, disorganised lands
Mad hustlers in crowded streets
Multiple task force
Nollywood Divorce
Sex in the city
Dirty hookers on expensive shades
Young wealth
Equal citizens
Stranded mind of a visitor
Tsk tsk tsk
Not good to raise kids
Implicating favours
My port-harcourt experience
-The Vyrus
Bt seriously nt a place to raise kids
Wen ma friend was still in uniport, anytym I visit her, I jst tell children WILL NOT go to uniport unless for any reason my hubby n I stay in ph den dey go frm home.