Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Loaded ammo
Assassinate breeze
Smiling photos can't say cheese
Photographers are control freaks
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Greenish cammo
Subordinate schemes
Nigerian army on bully spree
Soldiers are mentally sick
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Religious convo
Adulterate preach
Holiness a business skill
Pastors are lying cheats
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Prospectus memo
Explicate sheets
Political lies and looting still
Our leader future-kills
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Classroom echo
Circulate speech
Lecture halls of business fields
Lecturers hustle kids
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Sick-bed mellow
Probate tricks
Hospitals of exorbitant fees
Doctors and their politics
-The Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Loaded ammo
Assassinate breeze
Smiling photos can't say cheese
Photographers are control freaks
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Greenish cammo
Subordinate schemes
Nigerian army on bully spree
Soldiers are mentally sick
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Religious convo
Adulterate preach
Holiness a business skill
Pastors are lying cheats
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Prospectus memo
Explicate sheets
Political lies and looting still
Our leader future-kills
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Classroom echo
Circulate speech
Lecture halls of business fields
Lecturers hustle kids
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Sick-bed mellow
Probate tricks
Hospitals of exorbitant fees
Doctors and their politics
Loaded ammo
Assassinate breeze
Smiling photos can't say cheese
Photographers are control freaks
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Greenish cammo
Subordinate schemes
Nigerian army on bully spree
Soldiers are mentally sick
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Religious convo
Adulterate preach
Holiness a business skill
Pastors are lying cheats
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Prospectus memo
Explicate sheets
Political lies and looting still
Our leader future-kills
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Classroom echo
Circulate speech
Lecture halls of business fields
Lecturers hustle kids
Gifted hands of trigger squeeze
Sick-bed mellow
Probate tricks
Hospitals of exorbitant fees
Doctors and their politics
Carry on