Sally Island 13

Omin had waited hours, as Eve took a lot of time to totally strip and make the plantain fingers grow out. Omin had a different mission from what I had in mind. I didn't know this, I hoped on a different approach but Omin's approach was direct and different. I wanted to be with Eve because i was convinced I had strong feelings for her, you know, the kinda feeling that give that stomach run, the type that make you scared to sleep because you might stop thinking about her but also hopeful that you might dream about her still, the type of feelings you are not afraid to talk about to friends even though you know they are gonna laugh at you. But that wasn't the case with Omin, that wasn't same thing he wanted. Knowing Eve was a mermaid at the end of the day, made him want to experience her sexually. According to him, Eve left without completing her mission. He had assumed that all Eve did with us those few days were a long foreplay that was supposed to end with an orgy. He believed Eve was supposed to have sex with at least one of us, and him being the best among us according to him, qualified as the only entitled to it. He was determined to get his sex, and that was why he was after her. Eve had collected enough plantain she wanted to take home, that was when Omin came out of hiding. 

He hid in the bush and stayed put for a long while, shirtless in the discomfort of the grass embrace with a newly developed patience he wasn't known to have. He slowly tiptoed towards Eve from behind, trying to catch up with her. It was sun set and it was about getting dark, Eve walked quite a distance with the large basket of plantain on her head swinging her hips with the breeze tides emancipating from within the plantation, tying on her head, a yellow scarf which people in the Island usually said she tied whenever she visited. It was said that the Mutubu responsible for the flourishing of the plantain plantation always strips before she walks into the water and also always tied a yellow scarf walking around in the island. Omin managed to get a bit closer to Eve loosing his wears aswell, as fast as he could as he reached out.

At this time Eve had gotten into the water and was about to transform into her being when she heard Omin call her "Eve". She paused like she was thinking, she knew it was only us that called her Eve, so she was happy at first knowing where the name started from. Maybe she really miss us like we miss her, but like the priest said, her mission with us had finished and wouldn't come to us again if she wasn't sent. And her being sent to us again was a very slim chance. So her hearing the name we called her made her very happy, only for her to turn around and see Omin naked, she wasn't sure about the emotion to exhibit anymore but somehow she wasn't happy about that because it was already obvious what Omin had in mind. She didn't like being seen in that way. She tried to crack a smile for an old friend, not to seem too uptight, she missed him for sure despite the present unpleasant sight. She asked Omin about the rest of us, but he didn't answer the question. He was there for something else. 

Omin's emotions had fully clouded his mind. His hormones came alive, I'm sure he had an erection too. He must have lost his mind to lust. That could be any of us anyway, I can remember what Eve looked like with little clothes covering her, only God knows I almost became a mental slave to her at the time she was with us, that is if I wasn't one, imagine what would happen to me if I was in Omin's shoes, looking at that sexy body with no clothes on. I might become stupid too. Omin grabbed Eve by the arm, although she was being nice to him. She told Omin she had to go, that she would love to stay but it's getting dark, and it wasn't safe to be with humans when it's dark expect she was on a mission. Omin wouldn't listen, so she quickly snapped from being nice. She within a flash transformed into a mermaid and dived into the Achike River pulling Omin in with her by the his foot, the whole excitement left his body, he saw a new Eve not anything close to the nice one, she had a firm grip and a fierce charge like she was a predator about to devour a prey, Omin was very scared. He said he saw many other mermaids below the water, gyrating and excited, waiting for her to pull him in, but somehow he managed to slip through and took off or maybe Eve decided to let him go. Despite this experience, Omin swore to still go in search of her. 

Nothing obviously bothers Omin, he nearly got kidnapped by a bunch of Mutubus and he was sounding careless about it. He wasn't even phased. Ike on the other hand wasn't even buying the whole story, he was still very sure Omin had a lot more he didn't mention if at all his claims happened, and if so, it would have been better if didn't make it home. Still talking on Omin's issue, Ike picked up his bag and left the cabin, he didn't say much about where he was headed, he just took off. James was had a long smile on his face as Ike packed up to step out. The Smile wasn't as normal as his other smiles, he was smiling like there was something going on, and we became suspicious that there was more to Ike's leaving. Omin and I really wanted to know what was going on, so we started pressuring as soon as Ike stepped out. Ike had a girlfriend he usually met at stream every evening, this was new. He never mentioned it to the crew anyway, but somehow James found out, and Ike opened up that he didn't mention it because he was still a bit confused. He was having sex with both the girl and elder sister, James said there was more, but he would rather we hear from Ike directly. But at this time, Ike was already far gone to go see his girlfriend. Whichever one of them anyway. However, we really wanted to know more about this polygamous fling Ike had going on. 

Story: Nnagoziem TheVyrus Udensi 
Illustrations: Chevilin Pierre and Joseph Kenedy 


trin said…
Waiting waiting
steve said…
Some action. Waiting!

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