How Bugzy Dvinci's slogan 'Anu Nchi' came up

He's one of the realest dudes i ever met.  Met him back in 04 in Trans-Ekulu then i was in CDSSE he was in FGCE and it was Dandyson who was in UNISEC that introduecd us...crazy shit, nigga was all tall and later became closer since he was always balling with my nigga Gizmo and later formed a music group 'The Dynasty Trend' with Gizmo and Vanessa Nwafor now Vanessa Ezenwa and they won KERRUZO music contest then powered by Cosmo FM. shit was crazy, cuz then he was just a teenager and he already started becoming popular... tales of me and this dude full basket...hahahaha! shit is, its his birthday today and i have a crazy package for him and y'all as well. you know most of you now Know Bugzy as Bugzy Divinci, Fresher than ANU NCHI...lmao but y'all dont really know how that name came up "fresher than anu nchi". i'll tell y'all... it was a random freestyle, nothing planned or written, me and bugzy. this nigga was rapping and the next thing i heard was "bugzy dvinci fresher than anunchi". shit was cray swear down, i burst into laughter... from that day on, he never dropped the anu nchi... this was in 2008 if im  not mistaking, i was in 2nd year then i can recall cuz of the phone i was holding in the video my old-ass sony ericcson... constantly facebooking (of course that was the shit then, no 2go or BBM or twitter).'s the amateur video



Anonymous said…
You do Not in anyway know what blogging is about, 1st you don't seem 2 hav a social life or class atall so dat explains ur shitty stories. 2nd, you are so not an exposed child, I think ur whole life revolves Arund anything that has 2 do wit fgce,dat seems 2b d most exposing experience u'v had. Its obvious ur jst trying so hard 2 b a coolkid, tryin 2 use slangs lik "cray, crazy shit" stil dsnt cut it buddy. I see no1 even has d tym 2drop a comment on ur stories, even ur frnd bugzy shld hv @least dropped 1. Choose anoda career/hobby, dis is nt 4 d timid nd unexposed indiviuals
Anonymous said…
Guyshut up and stop hating! You clearly don't know the guy you are even talking about. There's baseless hate written all over your comment. And for the fact that he didn't delete your comment shows he doesn't care what you think. It is a personal blog 'thevyrusonline'. Its his personal blog, he writes what he wishes! The blog is about him not anybody else. Since you know much about blogging, why don't you go start yours. Someone who is relatively the most popular ordinary guy I've seen, both virtually and physically. He's not from a rich background, he doesn't sing or act or into modeling or any of those things that puts you on the spotlight, yet everybody knows him. And you are here saying he doesn't have social life. Which shitty stories? Have you read any of his works? You clearly don't know virus so stop hating ok. Get a life
Unknown said…
Hater Dude......Like seriously i got to use this words "Fuck You". If you need fame then work for it and not leaning on someone else's intelligence or hard work. It's obvious,you got no brains.
Anonymous said…
Everybody knows him ke? Pls who is he? Hv neva hrd abt him.

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